Silke Neunsinger
ABF-HUSET. Seminariet arrangeras av forskningsrådet vid Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, Kommunal, Livs och LO och är öppet för alla intresserade.
Seminarium: Klimaträttvisa och fackföreningarnas roll i den globala kampen
![ARAB:s logotyp i vitt mot röd bakgrund.](öd.jpg)
A global approach to feminist labour history adds new contents and insights. Our intention with this overview of available sources at the Labour Movement Archives and Library (ARAB) is to inspire researchers, both academics and those actively interested in researching their own history, to look beyond national borders.
Worlds of Women in ARAB’s Collections – A Short Introduction
International Women's Day is one of the socialist inventions that have spread and become a successful feminist celebration all over the world. The significance of International Women's Day has certainly changed since its inception when it was intended to function as an international day for agitating for women's suffrage to when it became an official United Nations Day in the 1970s to the present day when it is used by major companies to celebrate their outstanding female employee.
International Women’s Day: A Prism for Women’s Political Work
Svenska Arbetarhistoria och danska Arbejderhistorie planerar ett gemensamt temanummer om politisk turism som ska publiceras under 2011.