Reproductions & copies


At the moment it isn’t possible to order reproductions due to large workload. The delivery time for orders already made is prolongued to within one month. 

We accept requests for reproduction of materials from our collections, from the library aswell as from the archival collections.

Delivery time

  • We deliver reproductions within one month from the date of the order.


  • All requests are dealt with by e-mail or telephone to our Research Desk, forskarexpedition[a]

General information about fees

  • There is always an administrative fee of 25 SEK.
  • We always charge a copy fee.
  • We distinguish between commercial and private, non-profit use.

We charge a fee for commercial use. Private or scientific use, aswell as use in historical publications by organisations or other non-profit associations or public popular culture education (“folkbildning”) are not charged with this particular fee.

What you ultimately pay is our fees plus what that a potential copyright holder requires.

Fees for high resolution digital copies

Fees Explanation Delivery format
Copy fee à 200 SEK/digital file Administrative fee.  
+ User fee
or User fee
700 SEK/digital file
The size of this fee depends on how you intend to use the item, none-commercially or commerically.  
This is the sum of our fees. Normally 900 SEK/item, in whatever format the item is delivered.    
+ Possible fee for the copyright holder
It is your responsibility as a requester of copyrighted material to investigate the question of rights and permits.
If we own the copyright, you will be informed of this. We do not charge extra charge as the copyright owner.
= Your total fee
The total fee includes plus the possible fee to the copyright owner. Movies: MPEG-4
Audios: MPEG-3
Images/Photographs: TIFF

Fees for low-resolution copies

Fees   Delivery format
Copy fee: à 1-10 pages = 50 SEK
After that, 4 SEK/page
+ Administrative fee à 25 SEK
+ Possible freight cost

Delivery methods

If you wish paper copies of photographs, we will forward your order to a photographer (with own price list). We however deliver digital files by:

  • E-mail – If files are no more than 25 MB
  • FTP – Instructions will be given