Photo: Pressfoto H. Svensson. Source: ARAB, Morgonbris, 1810:39256.
Catalogue of women’s archives with an international profile at the Labour Movement Archives and Library, including a short presentation of the archives’ contents.
The catalogue was created using inventories drawn up by Margareta Ståhl with supplementary and editorial work by archivists Martin Grass and Ulf Jönson.
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- Women’s archives with an international profile at the Labour Movement Archives and Library (Pdf, 217 KB)
This is the final version, a product of the project, which is no further updated. It is suitable for printing, browsing and reading. For more details and possible future updates within the catalogued materials you need to search the archives database.
Following archives and collections were included in the catalogue at the end of the project.
Archive/collection | Reference no. | Size | Period |
Ahlberg, Iris | 3082 | 1 volume | 1950-1951 |
Arbetsmarknadens kvinnonämnd (The Joint Female Labour Council) | 1239 | 81 vol. + 1,5 shelf metres of books | 1951-1975 |
Bergman, Helfried | 59 | 0,1 | 1921-1940 |
Branting-Westerståhl, Sonja | 93 | 15 volumes | 1902-1960 |
Croner, Nelly | 115 | 4 volumes | 1920-1960s |
Dalström, Kata | 121 | 30 volumes | 1890s-1923 |
Ekendahl, Sigrid | 134 | 2 volumes | 1950-1977 |
Engkvist, Greta | 1936 | 14 volumes | 1930-1950s |
Eriksson, Signe | 4275 | 1 volume | 1930-1960s |
Ettlinger, Ruth | 4230 | 1 volume | 1963 |
Flood, Hulda | 161 | 28 volumes | 1926-1967 |
Gradin, Anita | 1824 | 111 volumes | 1973-1992 |
Grönvall, Hanna | 183 | 7 volumes | 1911-1930s |
Gustafson, Ruth | 188 | 2 volumes | 1910-1954 (various years) |
Hedenvind, Astrid | 211 | 1 volume | 1963, no date |
Herrängens socialdemokratiska kvinnoklubb (The Herrängen Social Democratic Women’s Club) | 2622 | 2 volumes | 1961-1963 |
Höglund, Elsa | 5247 | Approx. 30 volumes | |
Internationella kvinnodagen 8:e marskommittén (International Women’s Day: The 8 March Committee) | 1241 | 1 volume | 1979-1981 |
Internationella socialistiska kvinnokonferenser [samling] (International Socialist Women’s Conferences [collection]) | 3579 | 1 volume | 1907-1969 |
Jansson, Margit | 271 | 3 volumes | 1920-1960s |
Kvinnor för fred (Women for Peace) | 4324 | 107 volumes | 1970-1990s |
Kvinnor för fred i Stockholm (Stockholm Women for Peace) | 3464 | 16 volumes | 1989-1992 |
Leijon, Anna-Greta | 1950 | 100 volumes | 1972-1994 |
Lindgren, Emma | 1468 | 3 volumes | 1935-1987 |
Lindley, Elin | 363 | 4 volumes | 1910s |
LO:s kvinnoråd (The Swedish Trade Union Confederation’s Women’s Council) | 4569 | 62 volumes | 1947-1967 |
Myrdal, Alva and Gunnar | 405 | Approx. 1700 volumes | 1902-1986 |
Ohlson, Judith | 1537 | 17 volumes | 1920-1990s |
Ottesen-Jensen, Elise | 1586 | 30 volumes | 1920-1960s |
Palme, Lisbet | 2822 | Approx. 130 volumes | 1986-1999 |
Pettersson, Hilma | 469 | 1 volume | 1935 |
Pripp, Anna-Stina | 477 | 6 volumes | 1909-1966 |
Rothman, Kajsa | 2449 | 0,1 | 1934-1938 |
Rössel, Agda | 4824 | 1948-1985 | |
Sigurdsen, Gertrud | 520 | 47 volumes | 1964-2000 |
Solna socialdemokratiska kvinnoklubb (Solna Social Democratic Women’s Club) | 2648 | 6 volumes | 1949 |
Sonntag, Wolfgang och Anne-Marie | 665 | 64 volumes | 1930s-2003 |
Stiftelsen hembiträdesföreningarnas hem (The Domestic Servants’ Associations’ Home) | 1233 | 5 volumes | 1932-1970 |
Stockholms fackliga centralorganisations kvinnosektion (The Stockholm Trade Union Organization, Women’s Section) | 2817 | 6 volumes | 1935-1950 |
Stockholms läns socialdemokratiska kvinnodistrikt (The Stockholm County Social Democratic Women’s District) | 2705 | Approx. 50 volumes | 1929-1993 |
Stockholms socialdemokratiska kvinnodistrikt (The Stockholm Social Democratic Women’s District) | 2704 | Approx. 160 volumes | 1932-1999 |
Stockholms syndikalistiska kvinnoklubb (The Stockholm Syndicalist Women’s Club) | 1878 | 2 volumes | 1930-1940s |
Sundbom, Annie Marie | 3275 | 120 volumes + 3 boxes | 1960-2000 |
Svenska kvinnors vänsterförbund (Left Federation of Swedish Women) | 4874 | 65 volumes | 1947-1966 |
Svenska kvinnors vänsterförbund avdelning Fyrklövern (The Left Federation of Swedish Women, Fyrklövern section) | 3570 | 1 vol. | 1951-1989 |
Sveriges socialdemokratiska kvinnoförbund (The National Federation of Social Democratic Women in Sweden) | 2702 | Approx. 580 volumes | 1907-2000 |
Theorin, Maj Britt | 1839 | 13 volumes + 23 shelf metres | Circa 1970-2002 |
Thorsson, Inga | 575 | Approx. 460 volumes | 1940s-1992 |
Zammert, Anna och Paul | 627 | 2 volumes | 1918-1968 |
Öhman, Gunnar and Rodney | 638 | 7 volumes | 1945-1964 |
Using the catalogue
Note the following about the different fields and sections when using the catalogue:
The Labour Movement Archives and Library holds more than 5,000 archives and collections, varying in size from a few centimetres to several hundred metres of shelf space. From these holdings, we have selected archives classified as ‘female’ (individuals or organizations) and containing documentation of any kind of international contacts. For practical reasons, no ‘male’ archives or similar have been included, although there are a number of these at the Labour Movement Archives and Library which contain international material with a link to women and women’s issues.
Reference no.
The Labour Movement Archives and Library’s unique collection code for the archive or collection.
This field refers to the collection as a whole. In several cases-but not always-the size of the international documents is specified under Content.
This field indicates the period for the collection as a whole. Information on the life of the archive creator and dates of the international material are specified under Content.
This section provides a short biographical description of the archive creator as well as records of the material in the archive which is of an international nature. Wherever practicable, we have sought to specify the size of the international material in terms of both volume and time period. It is assumed users will be aware that association archives normally contain minutes, cashbooks, letters and the like, and that the primary language is Swedish.