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For labour and for suffrage! Histories of labour movements and the struggles for democracy in Europe and beyond
14 november 2019 @ 9:00 - 17:00

International symposium
Celebrations of women’s suffrage have often excluded the role of the labour movement, or the labour movement has been regarded as an obstacle to cross-class cooperation in this struggle.
Despite the fact that we today celebrate international women’s day, originally initiated by women in the labour movement to campaign for universal suffrage, very little is known about the role of local, national and international labour movements during struggles for democracy. During this symposium historians from Iceland, India, Canada, the UK and Sweden will discuss the struggles of labour movements for democracy.
The symposium is organised by the network “Vote 2021” (Rösträttsjubileumet 2021 – grupp för forskningsplanering), in collaboration with the Department of History and Department of Political Science, Stockholm University and the Swedish Labour Movement’s Archives and Library.
The Symposium is funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
OBS! Symposium will be held in English.
Program – International Symposium 14 November (pdf)
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