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NLHN Roundtable: Past, Present and Future of the Nordic Labour History Journals
24 oktober 2023 @ 14:00 - 15:30

Since the 1970s, labour history has been very successful in the Nordic countries. Like the development in other European countries, labour history journals were started in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The content mirrors the current development and the ambitions of labour history. But what do readers want to know, what should writers know when they submit their manuscripts, and what are the editors’ ideas? Welcome to a round table open for dialogue between readers, writers and editors of the Nordic labour History journals.
Bent Gravesen (Arbejderhistorie)
Silke Neunsinger (Arbetarhistoria)
Ole Martin Rønning (Arbeiderhistorie)
Sami Suodonjoki (Väki Voimakas, yearbook of the Finnish Society for Labour History)
Nina Trige Andersen (Arbejderhistorie)
Vilhelm Vilhelmson (Saga, Icelandic Journal of History)
Alpo Väkevä (Työväentutkimus yearbook)
Chair: Jonas Söderqvist (Arbetarhistoria)
Meeting ID: 965 547 9812
Passcode: 874095