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Roundtable: Nordic Labour History for the 21th Century – Orientations and Re-orientations
27 april 2021 @ 14:00 - 15:30

Welcome to a Nordic Labour History Network roundtable
There is a renewed interest of co-operation to write the shared histories of the Nordic countries but also of the Nordic region as a whole. The shared history of the labour history institutes is one reason for the long-standing tradition of collaboration between labour historians and activists in the Nordic countries.
The Nordic Labour History Network’s aim is to strengthen cross-Nordic research collaboration within the field of labour and social history. It also wants to encourage an expansion of what can be understood as part of the history of labour, workers and labour’s movements; in time and space.
During this roundtable representatives from the different Nordic countries take stock of the current state of Nordic labour history and discuss what future labour historians need to do.
Knut Kjeldstadli, University of Oslo; Ragnheiður Kristjánsdóttir, University of Iceland; Malin Nilsson, Lund University; Pirjo Markkola, Tampere University; Nina Trige Andersen, affiliated with Society for Labour History in Denmark and in the steering committee of the NLHN.
Silke Neunsinger, The Swedish Labour Movement’s Archives and Library
The seminar is free of charge but requires registration. Please register on the 23 April at the latest. You will receive a zoom-link by e-mail before the seminar.
Questions: Send an e-mail to silke.neunsinger [a] arbark.se